ClearCase is a
Software Configuration Management tool (SCM), which is an IBM's rational
Clearcase is version control , build and management,
ClearCase manages files, directories and other software objects across Software
Development lifecycle. ClearCase has both CLI and GUI based interfaces to work
along with vob elements.
cleartool is the
ClearCase Command Line Interface(CLI) tool -> "cleartool"
Always create an
alias for the cleartool.
Create an alias for
cleartool as ct
Open .bashrc in vim
or your favorite text editor.
vi ~/.bashrc #append the below line and execute
alias ct='cleartool'
Most used clearcase
commands on linux below:
List checked out
files in current and sub directories by all in a view.
ct lsco –r
List checked out files in current and sub
directories by all in a view by you.
$ ct lsco –r –me
Show all checked out
files in current directory and subdirectory by user_name
$ ct lsco -r -user user_name
List the views
current directory
$ ct lsview
List only file names
of checked out files in the current directory
$ ct lsco –short
Show detailed
information of checked out files in the current directory
$ ct lsco -long
List all checked out files in the current view
$ ct lso -cview
Show all the checked
out files in the current vob
ct lsco -avobs
Find out all the
check out files by me and check in
This below command
checks in all the files checked out by me in current directory and
subdirectories recursively
ct ci -nc `ct lsco
-me -short -r`
2.Check out files
Check out single
file with comment
ct co –c “user
comment for check out” filename
check out multiple
files with comment
ct co –c “user
comment for check out” filename1 filename2 filename3 filename4 <-- notice space between filename1
filename2 etc..
Check out all files
in the current directory
ct co –c “user
comment for check out” *.*
Check out only .c
files in current directory
ct co –c “user
comment for check out” *.c
Check in files
Check in a file with
ct ci –c “user
comment for check in” filename
Check in file
without comment
ct ci –nc filename
Check in multiple files in current directory
with comment
ct ci –c “user
comment for check in” filename1 filename2 filename3
Use –nc argument for
no comment or default comment as of check out.
Undo check out
Undo check out a
single fine in current directory
ct unco filename
Undo check out multiple files
ct unco filename1
filename2 filename3
Undo check out all
the files in the current directory
ct unco *.*
Undo check out all
the files in the current view
cleartool unco `cleartool lsco -cview -short`
To remove private
files from view
Remove private files
from view, the -rf option is to remove recursively and forcibly.
ct lsprivate | xargs
rm –rf
List views
List all the views
of current vob
ct lsview
List all the views
of a single user
ct lsview |grep
Directory and files
Check what is the
current directory
ct pwv
Check history of a
file which is in the vob
ct lshis[tory]
filename <--[tory] means optional
lshis is enough
Check history of a
file in particular branch
ct lshis[tory]
filename | grep branch-name
Check history of a
file for a particular user
ct lshis[tory]
filename | grep username
Adding directory to
Adding directory to
a current view
Step 1: Check out current directory
ct co –c “user
comment for adding directory” . <--notice the .(dot)
Step 2: Make a directory in current path
ct mkdir
Step 3:
Check in directory
ct ci –nc
Step 4: Check in
parent directory
ct ci –nc . <--
notice the .(dot)
Adding a file to vob
Step 1: Check out
current directory
ct co –c “user
comment for check out” . <--notice the .(dot)
Step 2: Add a file
to vob in current directory
ct mkelem -c “user comment for adding element ” filename
multiple files can
be added by specifying file names separated by a space
ct mkelem -c “user comment for adding element ” filename1 filename2 filename3
Step 3: Check in
ct ci –nc filename
Step 4:
Check in current directory
ct ci –nc . <-- notice the .(dot)
make , set and
remove views
Make a new view in
current vob
ct mkview –tag
Check the new view
in the view list
ct lsview |grep
Set newly created
view for use
ct setview view-name
Remove particular
view on cleasecase :
ct rmview
ct rmview –tag
Check config spec of
current view
$ ct catcs
Modify or Change
config specs of current view
$ ct edcs
To set config spec
to current view from a spec file.
$ ct setcs